Every year hundreds of thousands of people file for their SSI. Many of these people feel they have a legitimate reason for filing. However, these benefits turn out to be a lot harder to receive that most people think. Those in charge of handing out these benefits tend to be very strict about who receives them and who doesn’t. As a result, a large percentage of those who file for their benefits are denied. There are a number of reasons why a denial may happen. The following are reasons why you’ve been denied, and what you may be able to do about it.
For starters, the money you earn plays a huge part in determining whether or not you’ll receive benefits. Although this is the money you paid into during your years of employment, there are rules that determine whether or not you receive any money. Many people are denied because their current income has surpassed the limit the administration deems as necessary. Essentially, you’re income doesn’t qualify you to be disabled according to the administration. Unless you’re willing to lower your monthly income you’ll continue to be denied.
There are some people who are simply denied because their injuries don’t qualify for SSI. The administration will usually analyze your injuries to determine if they’re severe enough. In order to qualify, your injuries should leave you impaired for at least one full year. If you’re severely injured, but your injuries will heal and allow you to work normally in a couple of months, your application for SSI will not be accepted. However, if you suffered blindness during this time, you may be able to have a Schaumburg SSI attorney to help you qualify.
In many cases, people are denied their SSI benefits because the agency can’t get in touch with them. You can’t simply send in your application for SSI and expect to receive a check in the mail. Administrators at the agency need to speak with you about your eligibility to receive benefits. The agency will need to talk to you about your injuries and about the type of benefits you’ll receive. If they’re unable to reach you, they may simply deny your application. If you feel your application denial was unjustified, you should contact the Nash Disability Law of Thomas Nash.