Injured and unable to work? This is a common occurrence for individuals who have been injured in an automobile accident because of a negligent act of another individual. Taking time off of work to attend medical appointments and rest from the injuries can cause a large financial strain on a victim. Not to mention, the medical bills will not be covered under a regular medical plan from work.
Receiving compensation for the injuries an individual received is the only way to hold the negligent party accountable for their actions. An auto accident lawyer in Bremerton will aggressively fight for a fair settlement for the victim of an accident.
Paying The Attorney
Some individuals are afraid to contact an attorney because they don’t want to have mounting attorney fees on top of other bills incurred in an automobile accident. An automobile accident attorney works on a contingency fee basis. This means the attorney will receive compensation if they win a settlement on behalf of the victim. They normally take a percentage of the settlement and discuss this with the victim during a free consultation. It is that simple.
The compensation a victim will receive is based on their injuries, pain, suffering, and losses they incurred because of their injuries. An injury that is serious such as a broken bone, nerve damage, brain damage, or injuries that will last a lifetime will be compensated on a higher level than a soft tissue injury.
If an individual passed away because of their injuries, an auto accident lawyer in Bremerton will convert the case to a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of surviving family members. A spouse, child, parent, or executor of the estate can file a case on behalf of the deceased victim. The money will be paid directly to the family members or the estate.
Automobile accidents can cause lasting financial, emotional, and physical problems for individuals. Lost wages, payment of medical bills, and payment for pain and suffering can be compensated. Although the attorney cannot restore an individual’s good health, they can help to ease the financial pain these accidents can cause. For more information, please schedule a consultation.