What qualifies as a personal injury at a legal level? If you or a loved one have sustained an injury due to someone else’s negligence or on their property, you may have a valid personal injury case. Here’s what you need to know – straight from expert personal injury lawyers – about personal injury law:
The Building Blocks of Personal Injury Cases
According to the American Bar Association, every personal injury case has two key elements: liability and damages.
Liability is the “fault”. Who was at fault for your injuries? If it was the person you are planning to file suit against – and you can prove that – you are halfway to meeting the eligibility requirements for your case.
Damages are the results of what happened. What are your damages? Have you been irreparably injured? Did you lose out on employment, education, or income due to your circumstances? Has your mental health been impacted dramatically? All of these – if you can prove they are a direct result of the other person’s actions or inaction – is grounds for a personal injury case.
Who Injured You?
It’s important to note that personal injury cases are typically filed against business owners, property managers, etc. They may also be filed against other laypersons who are directly at fault for your injuries. In some cases, though, other laws may take up where personal injury leaves off. If you have been injured at the hands of a medical provider or in an automotive accident, there are specific legal cases that your lawyer may advise you to file instead. Always talk to an attorney first for the help you need in determining what your next steps should be.
Think you have a case? Talk to your local Oklahoma City, Ok personal injury lawyers about your circumstances. These legal professionals can help you determine if the right combination of liability and damages are present to require compensation for your suffering – and help you win your case if so!