Looking for Criminal Defense in St. Louis

by | Oct 7, 2013 | Lawyers and Law Firms


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Being accused of a serious crime can be a scary thing. Many everyday people find themselves in the position of a criminal offender. This could be the result of something done on purpose or on accident. In fact, many people are wrongly accused of criminal offenses and are completely innocent from the start. However, when you find yourself in court, you can’t simply depend on the idea of you’re innocence to set you free. Your innocence is something that’ll be determined during trial. Since you have to approach a situation like this very carefully, you’ll need to know what to do ahead of time. The following are tips for those who are facing Criminal Defense in St. Louis.

When it comes to criminal cases, a lot of the work will fall on the prosecution. In these cases, it’s the job of the prosecution to prove that the alleged offender is guilty. Prosecutors spend hours and hours building cases against defendants. They want to prove that the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. This means that they have to remove any doubt that suggests you didn’t commit the crime. If they can do this, it’s likely the courts will find you guilty of your offense.

Although prosecutors are tough, you can use their burden of proof against them. The only thing you and your lawyers have to do is successfully prove that you might not have committed the crime. If you can successfully inject doubt in your involvement in the crime, there’s a good chance you won’t be convicted.

There are a number of ways you can do this. The most common way is by having your defense build an opposing case against the prosecution. The case that’s built should help prove that you’re innocent or that there’s doubt that you committed the crime. There’s another way to help fight your case, and that’s by not fighting at all. As ridiculous as it sounds, since the burden of proof lies on the prosecution, you don’t actually have to do anything. You could simply sit there and have the prosecution plead their case. If the jury agrees with them, then you’ll be found guilty. If the prosecution fails to convince the jury, you’ll be a free man or woman. However, this method of defense isn’t usually recommended.